Just sitting here wasting our precious time since 1997
A BRAND NEW Emergency Warning
Because of some server update stuff, I had to update the forum to the latest version, which broke the front page and newsboard integrations. I might try to fix them later, but for now, I've reverted to the old static front page, and the forum is updated and working! Hooray!
-- Segaholic2
Posted on 4/11/2020 at 10:01am.
Emergency Warning
The forum update is complete! Head on over, log back in, update your profile and have fun!
Front page and newsboard updates will be fixed eventually.
-- Segaholic2
Posted on 12/19/2007 at 1:18pm.
Written content and original graphics copyright © 1997-2020 The GHZ staff. Hosting and administration thanks to Nathan Tsui. Sonic the Hedgehog characters, logos, and images are trademarks of SEGA Corporation. The GHZ is an independent fansite and is not affiliated with SEGA Corporation.