Gaz wrote:I'm in 2 minds about that title. Part of me thinks it sounds crap yet at the same time I think it suits the storybook setting of the game. I prefered Wild Fire but ultimately the title isn't really that important.
And yeah, I remember when some people were complaining about the Twilight Princess subtitle for the upcoming Zelda game. However, I absolutely know that would not stop people from purchasing that game.
Seems to me, it sounds more like an actual story that would be in the Tales of the Arabian Knights, which fits the theme of the game very well. I like it.
Actually the name we have floating around the office right now is "Sonic and the Secret of the Rings". Pretty much the same thing really, but clunkier.
Sonic and the Secret "of the" Rings? Mumble grumble.
On the bright side, the game looks much more polished than it did at E3. The way Sonic moved and attacked the enemies flowed pretty well and it didn't seem twitchy like it did in previous footages. Speaking of enemies, there was that plant enemy and that dinosaur at the very end of the trailer too. I wonder if we'll be getting level-exclusive enemies in this game.
Professor Machenstein wrote:
On the bright side, the game looks much more polished than it did at E3. .
I dunno, it looked bang on identical to me. It's true the camera wasn't having spasms in this video but they're obviously not going to let that kind of stuff get through in an actual trailer. It's possible the gameplay has actually been tightened up but I'm not too optimistic just now, other than the inclusion of a new forest-esque level (which looks pretty mediocre) everything else in this video was exactly the same as what we'd seen before.
I'm pretty glad the game is a 2007 release actually, it would've probably been easy for them to rush this one out for launch and coincide with the 15th anniversary but it seems they do actually intend on taking their time with it and making a "high quality" title.
James McGeachie wrote:It's true the camera wasn't having spasms in this video but they're obviously not going to let that kind of stuff get through in an actual trailer.
What? Have we actually had a Sonic 360 trailer yet that doesn't show the camera fucking up in one way or another?
This game is the only Sonic title I'm looking forward to out of the mass number of them that are currently in production. The environments look good so far (if a little bland in places), the story seems to be kind of light-hearted again (a welcome break after ShTH) and the control looks tight, even if it does come at somewhat of a cost to exploration ability. They're pushing all the right buttons at the moment with this one.